How Electric Breastfeeding Pumps are the New Hotness

What are the things that come to your mind when you listen to the word “Breastfeeding"? Undoubtedly, grunting noises, giggles, kicks, and punches, biting, and most importantly floods of emotions.

But have you ever thought of a situation where breastfeeding is no fun game and could be bizarrely insane?

What happens when nursing is badly needed, but the mother is all stuck either in public or at work. Anyhow if that becomes possible, either the mother’s wet top due to overflooding of milk or the baby’s poopy diaper during feeding could result in gross embarrassment.

In that case, hey mommies! All you need is an Electric Breastfeeding Pump.

Now you’d ask, why not a Manual one?

C’mon, who prefers a bicycle when you can drive a motorbike.

What are Electric Breastfeeding Pumps?

Electric Breastfeeding Pumps are a perfect blend of motherhood and technology, where Power pumping is the outcome. This kicks the lactation process off to the top gear making it one of the finest experiences for the mom and her ever hangry baby! *wink*

It is a sheer blessing to moms having an excess milk supply, who’ve had early delivery or have delivered twins, but above all, to the busy or working moms, as they can pump the milk as often which can be stored for around 10 hours at room temperature, 8 days in a refrigerator or even for 3 months in a deep freezer, which could be fed to the baby in their absence.

To obtain the best amount of milk, the best time to do power pumping is mid-morning, during lunch, and mid-afternoon. The total time spent in this process is approximately 30 minutes, where 20 minutes is for milk pumping and cleaning of the pump, and storing of milk takes around 10 minutes. Thus, this is the best time-effective modern device which is a great help to parenting.

How to use Electric Breastfeeding Pumps?

Keeping in mind, hygiene and safety of your child, always sterilize and clean all your electric breast pump parts before use. Carefully read the manual of the device. These kinds of pumps either need an electric power point or they work with batteries. Initially, with washed hands, a breast shield, breast pump, tubing, and milk container are assembled. Further, carefully the breast shield is placed over the breast. The tunnel size should be 3 to 4 millimeters larger than the nipple. It must be sealed properly. The pump is then turned ON initially at a low intensity and further, it can be increased as per the mother’s comfort. The process is continued until the milk flow is good enough.

In case of any confusion regarding the device’s settings or discomfort to the mother, immediately seek help from a technician or a lactation consultant.

Voila! Now you know what tranquil breastfeeding is, and all about the hotness of Electric Breastfeeding Pumps which enhances the experience of parenting, especially motherhood, making it a complete bliss.
